Becoming a Member of BAVA

Register for Annual Membership for BAVA. It’s just £30!

It’s a real bargain offering free webinars with top astrologers, Gochara Magazine and access to purchase from our library of Past Conferences as mp3 or mp4 recordings.

Gochara Magazine is 112 pages long with these articles by top international astrologers. It’s free for members to download as a PDF!

Editorial – China and Coronavirus by Gordon Brennan
Leonardo da Vinci and the Great Artists by Steve Hubball and Mark Baverstock
The Story never Told by K. Jaya Sekhar
Afflictions to the Moon at Birth and Remedies by Vijaya Subramanian
Astrology Chart of the UK by Gordon Brennan
The Great Pause of 2020 – Solstices and Eclipses by Vijaya Subramanian
Sci-Fi and Fantasy Writers by Steve Hubball and Mark Baverstock
Jupiter/Saturn Conjunctions and Historical Cycles by Geoffrey Pearce

BAVA has been providing knowledge and wisdom of Jyotish since 1996. 

Important Information Please read.

After payment you will be redirected to a Welcome page. It runs for 365 days as an Annual member.

Please include your address and your correct email with your PayPal payment.

Please note that membership does not give you discounts to the Conferences. All past recordings are in audio or video ranging in price from £28 to £100.

Please register on this page>